
I have been quilting since 1990 give or take a year. I started with traditional quilts and now create both traditional and art quilts. Both are beautiful, and I love both. I can express one idea with a traditional quilt and another with an art quilt. Sometimes, an idea requires the blending of traditional and innovative techniques. Unfortunately, during our move and the time since, I haven’t been able to quilt as much. So I am one of those weird people who look forward to winter and the long, dark hours that allow me to spend time at my sewing machine. Some of my favorites are below as well as photos of my new quilt studio.

Geisha With Mirror is based on an antique Japanese woodcut and was created by free-motion thread painting and quilting on my Pfaff 2056 domestic sewing machine. Left: Full quilt. Below: Detail of Geisha with Mirror.

A Girl's Best Friend (below) is fused, raw-edge applique, with Seta paints, and thread painting. It's based on a photo my daughter took of herself and her horse, Tabitha on our property in Texas.

The quilt below (The Tree of Life) was appliqued by an unknown sewer sometime after the 1970s. I bought the top on eBay and quilted it last year.

Clockwise from top left: Window in Howarth, a dye-painted, thread painted whole cloth quilt; Infinity Rail, personal pattern; Dragon Fire, a bargello style quilt; Lilac Pinwheels from Pat Speth’s book; Flying Cranes, raw-edged applique; Mums, raw-edged applique.

I made this quilt for my parents. It’s a modified pattern based on the panel in the center of the quilt. It took forever to do the detailed quilting on it, but it was worth it in the end.

My Studio